Lifestyle decisions that we make every day can have a lasting (and very visible) effect on our appearance for years to come. Most of us don’t realize that the aging process of our skin is something we can help control – without surgery and without injections. Even with those options, there are factors that contribute to skin aging that, if left unchecked, can undo a lot of good things that you are already doing. We call them the 7 Deadly Sins of Skincare.
Sin 1: Sun
Don’t let George Hamilton fool you—nothing ages your skin as quickly as unprotected sun exposure. Not only can exposure to the sun’s rays increase your chances of developing skin cancer, but it also mottles your skin and gives it a leathery appearance – and, all jackets aside, leather doesn’t exactly scream “youth.” Avoid unprotected sun exposure and always carry sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB with an SPF rating of 15 or higher.
Sin 2: Smoke
If you smoke or spend significant amounts of time with people who do, your face is paying for it. Studies have shown that exposure to tobacco smoke significantly increases skin wrinkles and dryness – not to mention discoloration and those smoker’s lines around the lips. In fact, researchers believe the cigarette smoke is as damaging to the skin as UV, as it depletes your skin of vitamin C, one of the key ingredients to keeping your skin firm and pliable.
Sin 3: Sloth
This one makes a couple of lists overall – but lack of exercise is not only unhealthy for the rest of your body, it can show up on your face. That energy that comes from an exercise regimen is apparent on your face – the dark circles fade and you smile more – honest!
Sin 4: Cold
Cold temperatures and icy wind can strip your skin of moisture. And we all know that not only is dry skin uncomfortable, bit it also brings every line and crease into stark relief. If you’re going skiing or even walking around downtown in chilly temps, be sure to have a good moisturizer on hand – and on your face.
Sin 5: Cocktails
It’s true; alcohol use contributes to aging your skin. Oh the horror! When you drink, the alcohol causes small blood vessels in your skin to dilate. This increases the flow of blood near the surface of your skin and gives you that flushed appearance. But over time, those blood vessels can become permanently damaged, leaving you with a roadmap of broken blood vessels. Obviously a few drinks won’t harm you, but if you’re partying like
Paris every night, it might just catch up with you.
Sin 6: Stress
If your mother ever told you to stop making an expression because your face might stay that way – well, she was right. Stress and worry can cause you to frown and over time, the muscles in your face will conform to that movement. Unfortunately, sucking in your cheeks does not produce similar results. Do what it takes to reduce your stress – work out, take a yoga class or read a good book. But whatever you do, don’t frown.
Sin 7: Sleep (The Lack Thereof)
If you’re not getting 8-9 hours of sleep a night, you’re not getting enough. Without adequate sleep, your body does not have the time or the ability to recuperate and regenerate. And that shows up in a lot of ways – most noticeably in those dark circles. Sleeping also gives your skin the time it needs to repair itself from the rigors of the day. They call it your “beauty sleep” for a reason. In fact, getting a full night’s sleep might just be the best improvement you can make.